

Now that you’ve learned how to run a business during Lemonade Day, wouldn’t you love to put those skills to good money-making use? Here are our top six ideas for ways for kids to earn a little extra cash this summer.

Babysit. Can you think of parents you know who may need babysitting services? If so, talk with them about any experience you might have watching younger kids and skills and talents that you could teach their children.

Yard work. Hand out flyers in your neighborhood and offer to mow lawns. If you’re a little young to mow, see if anyone needs help raking leaves, planting flowers or picking weeds. This is a great way to get outside over the summer!

Parents’ helper. Know any parents who could use a helping hand while their kids are home from school? Offer to help them do chores or entertain their children so they can have some kid-free time.

Pet caretaker. You can walk and wash dogs, or feed and play with pets while families are on vacation.

Run another lemonade stand! You’re a pro now. Why not set up a stand in your neighborhood? Remember to advertise the stand, and consider passing out samples to attract visitors. You could even buy jars and sell your product by the jar!

Clean houses. If you’re used to doing chores at home, you have the cleaning skills it takes to start a housekeeping business. Offer to empty trashes, do dishes, dust, or vacuum.

Summer Job Tips

  1. Never go to a stranger’s house without an adult you trust—not even just to drop off flyers.

  2. Create a resume that relates to your desired job. If you want to walk dogs, for example, share why you like animals and talk about other times you have walked dogs. Write any responsibilities you have had in regard to taking care of animals.

  3. Save a portion of what you earn, and donate another portion. Be careful about what you spend.

  4. Be reliable and consistent. Show up when expected. If you can’t make it for some reason, give plenty of notice. Find a backup to take your place, if possible.

  5. Have fun! Working is a great way to use your existing skills, gain new skills, make memories, get to know people and grow as a business person. 

girl at stand
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